
Books reviewed:Levitt, Marcus C. and Andrei L. Toporkov, eds., Eros and Pornography in Russian Culture / Eros i pornografiia v russkoi kul'turePeterson, Dale E., Up from Bondage: The Literatures of Russian and African American SoulSpiegel, John (Jnos), Dimensions of Laughter in “Crime and Punishment”Brandist, Craig and Galin Tihanov, eds., Materializing Bakhtin: The Bakhtin Circle and Social TheoryVon Gardner, Johann, Russian Church Singing. Vol. 2. History from the Origins to the Mid‐Seventeenth CenturyFaraday, George, Revolt of the Filmmakers: The Struggle for Artistic Autonomy and the Fall of the Russian Film IndustryVasil'ev, M. A., Iazychestvo vostochnykh slavian nakanune kreshcheniia Rusi. Religiozno‐mifologicheskoe vzaimodeistvie iranskim mirom: Iazycheskaia reforma kniazia VladimiraHrushevsky, Mykhailo, History of Ukraine‐Rus'. Vol. 7. The Cossack Age to 1625Thomson, Francis J., The Reception of Byzantine Culture in Mediaeval RussiaKagan, Frederick W., The Military Reforms of Nicholas I: The Origins of the Modern Russian ArmyZnamenski, Andrei A., Shamanism and Christianity: Native Encounters with Russian Orthodox Missions in Siberia and Alaska, 1820–1917Baumgart, Winfried, The Crimean War, 1853–1856Tuminez, Astrid S., Russian Nationalism since 1856: Ideology and the Making of Foreign PolicyGorizontov, L. E., Paradoksy imperskoi politiki: Poliaki v Rossii I russkie v Pol'she (XIX–nachalo XX v.)O'Rourke, Shane, Warriors and Peasants: The Don Cossacks in Late Imperial RussiaClark, Charles E., Uprooting Otherness: The Literacy Campaign in NEP‐Era RussiaWehner, Markus, Bauernpolitik improletarischen Staat: Die Bauernfrage als zentrales Problem der sowjetischen Innenpolitik 1921–28Zhuravlev, Sergei, “Malen'kie liudi” I, “bol'shaia istoriia”: Inostrantsy moskovskogo Elektrozavoda v sovetskom obshchestve 1920‐kh–1930‐kh gg.Husband, William B., “Godless Communists”: Atheism and Society in Soviet Russia, 1917–1932Brooks, Jeffrey, Thank You, Comrade Stalin! Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold WarBarber, John and Mark Harrison, eds., The Soviet Defence‐Industry Complex from Stalin to KhrushchevBalzer, Marjorie Mandelstam, The Tenacity of Ethnicity: A Siberian Saga in Global PerspectiveKay, Rebecca, Russian Women and Their Organizations: Gender, Discrimination and Grassroots Women's Organizations, 1991–1996Sperling, Valerie, Organizing Women in Contemporary Russia: Engendering TransitionColton, Timothy J., Transitional Citizens: Voters and What Influences Them in the New RussiaMarkowitz, Fran, Coming of Age in Post‐Soviet RussiaAlexander, James, Political Culture in Post‐Communist Russia: Formlessness and Recreation in a Traumatic Transition

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