
Books reviewed in this issueLiterature and Fine ArtsYoungblood, Denise. Bondarchuk's War and Peace: Literary Classic to Soviet Cinematic Epic.Losev, Alexei Fyodorovich. The Dialectic of Artistic Form.Kelimbetov, Nemat. Drevnie literaturnye pamiatniki Turkskikh narodov.Andreyev, Alexandre. The Myth of the Masters Revived: The Occult Lives of Nikolai and Elena Roerich.Bulgakov, Mikhail. Don Quixote.Burry, Alexander. Multi‐Mediated Dostoevsky: Transposing Novels into Opera, Film, and Drama.Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment.Gandlevsky, Sergey. Trepanation of the Skull.Móricz, Klára, and Simon Morrison, eds. Funeral Games: In Honor of Arthur Vincent Lourié.White, Frederick H. Degeneration, Decadence and Disease in the Russian Fin de Siècle: Neurasthenia in the Life and Work of Leonid Andreev.Kleespies, Ingrid. A Nation Astray: Nomadism and National Identity in Russian Literature.Zorin, Andrei. By Fables Alone: Literature and State Ideology in Late‐Eighteenth–Early‐Nineteenth Century Russia.Lossev, Alexeï and Valentina. “La joie pour l'éternité”: Correspondance du Gulag (1931–1933).Peterson, Nadya L., ed. The Witching Hour and Other Plays by Nina Sadur.Popkin, Cathy, ed. Anton Chekhov's Selected Stories: Texts of the Stories, Comparisons of Translations, Life and Letters, Criticism.Swartz, Anne. Piano Makers in Russia in the Nineteenth Century.Mahoney, Daniel J. The Other Solzhenitsyn: Telling the Truth about a Misunderstood Writer and Thinker.Schuman, Samuel. Nabokov's Shakespeare.Shrayer, Maxim D. Bunin i Nabokov: Istoriia sopernichestva.HistoryJones, Stephen F., ed. The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918–2012: The First Georgian Republic and Its Successors.Narangoa, Li, and Robert Cribb. Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia 1590–2010: Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia.Birchall, Christopher. Embassy, Emigrants, and Englishmen: The Three Hundred Year History of a Russian Orthodox Church in London.Jones, Ryan Tucker. Empire of Extinction: Russians and the North Pacific's Strange Beasts of the Sea, 1741–1867.Schmidt, Christoph. Pilger, Popen und Propheten: Eine Religionsgeschichte Osteuropas.Sunderland, Willard. The Baron's Cloak: A History of the Russian Empire in War and Revolution.Wolff, Frank. Neue Welten in der Neuen Welt: Die transnationale Geschichte des Allgemeinen Jüdischen Arbeiterbundes 1897–1947.Twiss, Thomas M. Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy.Campbell, Craig. Agitating Images: Photography against History in Indigenous Siberia.Barenberg, Alan. Gulag Town, Company Town: Forced Labor and Its Legacy in Vorkuta.Goscilo, Helena, and Yana Hashamova, eds. Embracing Arms: Cultural Representation of Slavic and Balkan Women in War.Golubev, Alexey, and Irina Takala. The Search for a Socialist El Dorado: Finnish Immigration to Soviet Karelia from the United States and Canada in the 1930s.Robinson, Paul. Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich: Supreme Commander of the Russian Army.Tikhomirov, Aleksei. Luchshii drug nemetskogo naroda: Kul't Stalina v Vostochnoi Germanii (1945–1961 gg.).Herspring, Dale R. Civil‐Military Relations and Shared Responsibility: A Four‐Nation Study.Chakars, Melissa. The Socialist Way of Life in Siberia: Transformation in Buryatia.Rittersporn, Gábor T. Anguish, Anger, and Folkways in Soviet Russia.Kuznitz, Cecile Esther. YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation.McDaniel, Cadra Peterson. American‐Soviet Cultural Diplomacy: The Bolshoi Ballet's American Premiere.Davies, Sarah, and James Harris. Stalin's World: Dictating the Soviet Order.Petrova, N. K., ed. Samyi pamiatnyi den’ voiny: Pis'ma‐ispovedi.Petrova, N. K., ed. Voina glazami detei: Svidetel'stva ochevidtsev.Petrova, N. K., ed. Znat’ i pomnit': Prestupleniia fashizma v gody Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny.Petrova, N. K., ed. Zhenshchiny Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny.Markwick, Roger D., and Euridice Charon Cardona. Soviet Women on the Frontline in the Second World War.McClellan, Dorothy S., ed. Witnessing the Soviet Twilight: Accounts of Americans in the USSR on the Eve of Its Collapse.Smith, Michael G. Rockets and Revolution: A Cultural History of Early Soviet Spaceflight.Smilovitsky, Leonid. Jewish Life in Belarus: The Final Decade of the Stalin Regime (1944–53).Vakhter, Tarmo. Estoniia: Zharkoe leto 91‐go: Avgustovskii putch i vozrozhdenie nezavisimosti.Peacock, Margaret. Innocent Weapons: The Soviet and American Politics of Childhood in the Cold War.Michelson, Patrick Lally, and Judith Deutsch Kornblatt, eds. Thinking Orthodox in Modern Russia: Culture, History, Context.Social Sciences, Contemporary Russia, and OtherTsygankov, Andrei P. The Strong State in Russia: Development and Crisis.Makarychev, Andrey. Russia and the EU in a Multipolar World: Discourses, Identities, Norms.Butler, William E. Russian Law and Legal Institutions.Butler, William E., Philip T. Grier, and Vladimir A. Tomsinov, eds and trans. On the Essence of Legal Consciousness by Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in.Anderson, Richard D. Discourse, Dictators and Democrats: Russia's Place in a Global Process.Gel'man, Vladimir, Otar Marganiya, and Dmitry Travin. Reexamining Economic and Political Reforms in Russia, 1985–2000: Generations, Ideas, and Changes.Rozman, Gilbert. The Sino‐Russian Challenge to the World Order: National Identities, Bilateral Relations, and East versus West in the 2010s.Le Huérou, Anne, et al., eds. Chechnya at War and Beyond.Dunlop, John. The Moscow Bombings of September 1999: Examinations of Russian Terrorist Attacks at the Onset of Vladimir Putin's Rule.Mickiewicz, Ellen. No Illusions: The Voices of Russia's Future Leaders.

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