
Abstract Rafael Alberti, The Lost Grove. Tr. Gabriel Berns. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. First English translation copyright, 1976. First Paperback Printing, 1981. 323 pp. 5.95. From the first edition La arboleda perdida. Buenos Aires: Compañía General Fabril Editora, S.A., 1959. Fourth reprint Barcelona: Editorial Seix Barral, S.A. 1977. 337 pp. Reviewed by Elizabeth Gamble Miller Wolfram Wilss. The Science of Translation. Problems and Methods. Tübingen. Gunter Narr. 1982. U.S. distributor John Benjamins, Philadelphia. Revised by author and trans. by author and Julie Strickler from Übersetzungswissenschaft. Probleme und Methoden (Stuttaart: Ernst Klett, 1977). Reviewed by Marilyn Gaddis Rose The New Italian Poetry, 1945 to the Present: A Bilingual Anthology. ed. and tr. Lawrence R. Smith. Berkeley. University of California Press. 483 pp. 8.95. From various original Italian texts. Reviewed by Larry Smith Claribel Alegría. Flower's from the Volcano. tr. Carolyn Forché, Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh Press. 1982. 87 pp, $12.95. From the original Spanish text: Flores del volcán. Reviewed by Beverly Mitchell Jazz and Palm Wine. Ed. with introduction by Willfried F. Feuser. Various translators. Longman Group Limited, Essex, U.K., 1981. 214 pp. Paper. Drumbeat 33. Reviewed by Dennis M. Kratz Sholom Aleichem. Marienbad. Translation and introduction by Aliza Shevrin. N.Y.: Putnam, cloth, 222 pp. $13.95. Reviewed by Ronald Tobias Poets of Nicaragua; A Bilingual Anthology, 1918–1979– Translated and edited by Steven F. White. Greensboro, Unicorn Press. 1982. 209 pp. $9.00 paper, $20.00 cloth. Reviewed by Stasys Gostautas The Poetic Debussy: A Collection of His Song Texts and Selected Letters. Compiled by Margaret G. Cobb. Boston. Northeastern University Press. 1982. 318 pp. Cloth, $21.95. Reviewed by Clare Barns The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929–1946– Ed. P. Steiner. University of Texas Press Slavic Series, No. 6, 1982. Reviewed by Zsuzsanna Ozsvath Claude Lévi-Strauss. The Way of the Masks. Tr. Sylvia Modelski. Seattle, Washington. University of Washington Press. 1982. 249 pp. $18.95. From the original French text: La Voie desmasques. Paris. Librarie Plon. 1979. Reviewed by Esteban Egea The International Portland Review. 1980. 504 pp. $5.95. Reviewed by Rainer Schulte

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