
Abstract Abstract José Ortega y Gasset: PHENOMENOLOGY AND ART. tr. Philip W. Silver. New York. W. W. Norton & Co. 1975. 220 pp. $8.95. From various volumes of OBRAS COMPLETAS of Ortega y Gasset. Madrid. Revista de Occidente. Reviewed by Rockwell Gray BEOWULF, A DUAL-LANGUAGE EDITION. tr. Howell D. Chickering, Jr. Garden City. Anchor. 1977. 390 pp. 4.95. From the author's own edition on facing pages. Reviewed by Donald K. Fry Alejo Carpentier. REASONS OF STATE. tr. Frances Partridge. Alfred A. Knopf. 1976. 308 pp. Reviewed by Wendy Faris POEMS OF RENE CHAR. tr. and annotated Mary Ann Caws and Jonathan Griffin. Princeton, N. J. Princeton University Press. 1976. 292 pp. 15.00. From selected prose and verse poems. Reviewed by Maurice G. Elton Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattaria, ANTI-OEDIPUS: CAPITALISM AND SCHIZOPHRENIA. tr. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R. Lane. New York. A Richard Seaver Book, the Viking Press. 1977. 400 pp. 16.95. From the Original French text: ANTI-OEDIPE: CAPITALISME ET SCHIZOPHRENIE. Paris. Les Editions de Minuit. 1972. Reviewed by Paul Monaco Heinrich von Kleist. THE BROKEN JUG. tr. Roger Jones. Manchester. Manchester University Press. 1977. 83 pp. 1.80. From the original German text: DER ZERBROCHENE KRUG. Reviewed by Andreas Kiryakakis Jacques Lafaye. QUETZALCOATL AND GUADALUPE. tr. Benjamin Keen. With a Foreword by Octavio Paz. The University of Chicago Press. 1976. 33 pp. 22.00. From the original French text: QUETZALCOATL ET GUADALUPE. Paris. Editions Gallimard. 1974. Reviewed by Mateo Pardo Paul van Ostaijen. FEASTS OF FEAR AND AGONY. tr. Hidde van Ameyden van Duym. New York. New Directions. 1976. 76 pp. 1.95 (paper). From the original Dutch text, DE FEESTEN VAN ANGST EN PIJN, in the collected edition of Van Ostaijen's work: VERZAMELD WERK. POEZIE 1. Den Haag-Antwerpen. Bert Bakker/Daamen N.V. & C. de Vries-Brouwers. 1963. Reviewed by E. M. Beekman Cesare Pavese. HARD LABOR. tr. William Arrowsmith. New York. Grossman Publishers. 1976. 123 pp. 8.95. From the original Italian text: LAVORARE STANCA. Torino. Giulio Einaudi editore. 1943. Reviewed by Martha King Yevgeny Yevtushenko. FROM DESIRE TO DESIRE. (No tr. named.) Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday. 1976. 126 pp. 6.95. Reprinted from various American translations. Reviewed by Emery E. George

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