
Services for the Mentally Handicapped in Britain Nigel Malin, David Race and Glenys Jones. London. Croom Helm. 1980. XI1 f 263. Cloth $1 I. 95. Paper $6.95.Music as the Source of Learning Audrey S. Wisbey, University Park Press, Baltimore, 1980, no price given.Libraries and the Handicapped Child Margaret R. Marshall. London, A ndre Deutsch Ltd. 1981, 205 p., $26.95.Inborn Errors of Metabolism Roland Ellis (Ed.), London. Croom Helm Biology Series 1980. 100 pages. £50 U.K.Mental Retardation and Congenital Malformations of the Central Nervous System J. Warkany; R. J. Lemire and M. M. Cohen, Jr. Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1981. x % 459. $89.80.Coping with Alzeimer's Disease. A Growing Concern Ann and Stephen Newroth. National lnsti- tute on Mental Retardation. Canada. P. 28. Price not stated.Prevention of Mental Retardation and other Developmental Disabilities Michael McCormack. New York. Marcel Dekker lnc. 1980. 650 pages. $60.00 U.S.Disabled People and Telecommunications Telecom Australia. Melbourne, 1984. vi f 88. Free.The Myth of the Hyperactive Child and Other Means of Child Control Peter Schrag and Diane Divoky, Harmonds- worth, Middlesex, England. Penguin Books Ltd. 1975. 281. $7.95.Needs of the Mentally Retarded in the Community Jerzy Krupinski, Alan Mackenzie and Ber- nadette O'Connell. Melbourne. Mental Health Research Institute. Health Commis- sion of Victoria. Special Publication No. 8. 1981. Free paper.Independence Training for Visually Handicapped Children Doris Tooze, London. Croom Helm. Baltimore, University Park Press. 1981. 101 pages. UK £6.95.

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