
Book reviews in this article:Maslow, Abraham H. Eupsychian Management: A Journal.Applewhite, Philip B. Organizational Behavior.Ling, Cyril C. The Management of Personnel Relations : History and Origins.Meister, David, and Rabideau, Gerald F. Human Factors Evaluation in Systems Development.Tiffin, Joseph, and McCormick, Ernest J. Industrial PsychologyAdams, Loyce. Managerial Psychology: Human Behavior in Business and Industry.Odiorne, George S. Management by Objectives: A System of Managerial Leadership.Stagner, Ross, and Rosen, Hjalmar. Psychology of Union‐Management Relations.Anderson, Richard C. Management Strategies.King, David. Training within the Organization: A Study of Company Policy and Procedures for the Systematic Training of Operators and Supervisors.Dankert, Clyde E., Mann, Floyd C., and Noethrup, Herbert R. (Eds.) Hours of Work. Managerial Compensation.Farnsworth, P. R., McNemar, O., and McNemar, Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 17, 1966.Farnsworth, P. R., McNemar, O., and McNemar, Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 17, 1966.American Management Association. Making the Most of Training Opportunities.Bennis, Warren G. Changing Organizations: Essays on the Development and Evolution of Human Organization.Bishop, George H., et al. The Excitement and Fascination of Science: A Collection of Auto biographical and Philosophical Essays.Brennan, Michael J. Preface to Econometrics: An Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Economics.Calhoon, Richard P. Cases in Personnel Management and Supervision. Careers Guidance in Schools.Carpenter, Edmund, and McLuhan, Marshall. (Eds.) Explorations in Communication: An Anthology.Gellerman, Saul W. The Management of Human Relations.Gilbert, Doris Wilcox. Study in Depth.Gotterer, Malcolm H. (Editor) Proceedings of the Third Annual Computer Personnel Research Conference, June 17–18, 1965.Randle, C. Wilson, and Wortman, Max S., Jr. Collective Bargaining: Principles and Practices. Research Conference on The Use of Autobiographical Data as Psychological Predictors.Roucek, Joseph S. (Editor) Programmed Teaching: A Symposium on Automation in Teaching.Sarnoff, Irving. Society with Tears.Smith, B. Babington. Laboratory Experience in Psychology.Stone, Alan A., and Stone, Sue Smart. (Eds.) The Abnormal Personality Through Literature.Walsh, Francis J., Jr. Administration of Cost Reduction Programs.

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