
Lawler, Edward E., III, Nadler, David A. and Cammann, Cortlandt. Organizational Assessment: Perspectives on the Measurement of Organizational Behavior and The Quality of Work Life.De Board, Robert. The Psychoanalysis of Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Behaviour in Groups and Organizations.Hage, Jerald. Theories of Organizations: Form, Process, and Transformation.Summer, Charles E. Strategic Behavior in Business and Government.Van de Ven, Andrew and Ferry, Diane L. Measuring and Assessing Organizations.Pinder, Craig C. and Moore, Larry F. (Eds.) Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations.Huse, Edgar F. Organization Development and Change. (Second Ed.)Heneman, Herbert G., III, Schwab, Donald P., Fossum, John A. and Dyer, Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management.DuBrin Andrew. Effective Business Psychology.Ivancevich, John M. and Matteson, Michael T. Stress and Work. A Managerial Perspective.Cooper, C. L. and Payne, R. (Editors). Current Concerns in Occupational Stress.Wanous, John P. Organization Entry: Recruitment, Selection, and Socialization of Newcomers.Singleton, W. T., Spurgeon, P. and Stammers, R. B. (Eds.) The Analysis of Social Skill.Hackman, J. Richard. Job Design.Hinrichs, John R. Productivity Through Morale Management.Sorcher, Melvin. Supervisory Training Through Behavior Modeling.Burack, Elmer H., Albrecht, Maryann and Seitler, Helene. Growing: A Woman's Guide to Career Satisfaction.Morgan, Marilyn A. (Ed.). Managing Career Development.Chruden, H. J. AND Sherman, A. W., Jr. Personnel Management: The Utilization of Human Resources. (Sixth Edition)Chruden, H. J. and Sherman, A. W., Jr. (Editors) Readings in Personnel Management: The Utilization of Human Resources. (Fifth Edition)Eddy, William B. and Burke, W. Warner. (Eds.) Behavioral Science and the Manager's Role. (Second Edition)Imundo, Louis V. The Effective Supervisor's Handbook.Heyel, Carl, (Ed.) The VNR Concise Guide to Human Resources Development.Shaw, Malcolm E., Corsini, Raymond J., Blake, Robert R. and Mouton, Jane S. Role Playing: A Practical Manual for Group Facilitators.Ritchie, J. B. and Thompson, Paul. Organization and People: Readings, Cases, and Exercises in Organizational Behavior. (Second Edition)McLane, Helen J. Selecting, Developing and Retaining Women Executives: A Corporate Strategy for the Eighties.Bales, Robert F. and Cohen, Stephen P. with the assistance of Stephen A. Williamson. Symlog: A System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups.Bales, Robert F. Symlog Case Study Kit with Instructions for a Group Self Study.Jones, William M. and Jones, Ruth A. Two Careers–One Marriage.Jain, Harish, C. Disadvantaged Groups on the Labour Market and Measure. to Assist Them.

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