
We are living in an era where the global business terrain is increasingly shaped by environmental, social, and economic chal­lenges. It is important not only to know about sustainable principles, but also to understand how to turn this knowledge into tangible action. The core objective of “The Sustainable Business Handbook: A Guide to Becoming More Innovative, Resilient, and Successful” is to offer practical knowledge and insights to business operators. This book offers compre­hen­sive guidance for organiza­tions and leaders to navigate the complex situations of sustainable business management, transform­ing challenges into opportunities for innovation and success. Several case studies from real world businesses are provided throughout the book. This book has earned noteworthy recognition, being shortlisted for Project Syndicate's Sustainability Book Award 2023, and further acclaimed as the winner of the Business Book Awards 2023 in the Change and Sustainability category. Remarkably, Project Syndicate is a renowned international media organization, widely acknowledged for its role in publishing and syndicating perceptive commentaries and analyses on a diverse array of global subjects (Project Syndicate, 2023).

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