
We measured lead and calcium in multiple bone biopsies from 11 cadavers without known excessive past exposure to lead. Paired iliac crest, transiliac and tibial bone biopsies from these cadavers indicated that in bone biopsy specimens the lead/calcium ratio is more reproducible than the absolute lead concentration. There were no significant differences between the lead/calcium ratios from the iliac crest, transiliac, or tibial specimens. Transiliac bone biopsies from 35 patients (13 patients showing symptoms of slight or moderate degree of renal failure, medical history of gout and/or arterial hypertension and 22 lead workers with chelatable lead in excess of 1000 micrograms) indicated that the lead and the lead/calcium ratio in bone biopsies reflect body lead stores as estimated by the EDT A test (r = 0.87 and 0.83, respectively). Chemical and histological studies of transiliac biopsies previously obtained from 153 dialysis patients (from 8 dialysis centers from Belgium, France and Germany) for studies of aluminum-induced bone disease showed that chronic renal failure and dialysis do not cause accumulation of lead in bone and elevated bone lead does not appear to alter trabecular bone histomorphometry. We found that in 5% of the hemodialysis population studied, bone lead concentrations approximated levels found in active lead workers.

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