
Boltonia apalachicolensis (Asteraceae) is formally described and illustrated. Mor- phological comparisons are made among all species of the genus. Previously unreported diagnostic features, particularly of the achene surface, are illustrated. The Apalachicola River region of the Florida panhandle is noted for having range exten- sions for many taxa that are generally more northern in their distribution and for its ende- mism. Some noteworthy endemics include Tax- us floridana Nutt., Torreya taxifolia Arn., Croomia pauciflora (Nutt.) Torrey, and Harperocallis flava McDaniel. Clewell (1977) listed 71 species of vascular plants known in Florida only to the Apalachicola River region, and Ward (1979) listed 55 species of endangered or threatened plants for the counties of Florida that border the river. To these listings, a new endemic species may be added: Boltonia apalachicolensis, the Apalachicola Daisy. A nagging problem associated with the de- scription of new species of Boltonia is under- standing the existing taxonomy of the genus. Previous students of the group offered differ- ing interpretations. Fernald (1940) recognized five species: B. asteroides (L.) L'Her. with two varieties, B. caroliniana (Walter) Fern., B. diffusa Elliott with two varieties, B. latisquama A. Gray

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