
AbstractAlewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) passage through 3 fishways was assessed during the 2013–2016 spawning runs in 3 rivers of the Isthmus of Chignecto, Canada. From April 24 to June 10, 5,423 alewife with a mean ± SD fork length of 227 ± 18 mm were tagged with passive integrated transponders. During their tagging year, approximately half of individuals (40% to 64%) went undetected whereas those detected used fishways from April 16 to July 8. Detected alewife were significantly longer than those undetected. Attraction rates to fishway entrances in 2015 and 2016 ranged from 85% to 98%. Annual fishway passage rates for pooled fish tagged that year and returnees, varied from 64% to 97% for 2 Denil style fishways. A pool‐and‐weir fishway that was dysfunctional (2013), repaired (2014), and replaced (2015–2016) yielded 0.5%, 25%, 60%, and 73% annual pooled passage rates, respectively. Larger individuals, previously tagged returnees, and males compared to females of a similar size had higher passage success suggesting some fishways may apply population‐level selective pressures. Alewife passage rates related to fishway style, design, and proper function, with greater passage for the 2 Denils than the pool‐and‐weir fishway in our study. Regular structural maintenance and fish passage reviews are essential management considerations to ensure fishway functioning and river connectivity. Replacement of a fishway with poor fish passage may be the best option to improve passage rates. Future research should address the effects of multiple anthropogenic instream obstructions, environmental variables, negative sublethal post‐tagging effects, and the importance of returnees on fish passage rates in fishways.

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