
Engaging issue of higher education's role in a democracy is a Gordian Knot that many insightful thinkers and profound authors have attempted to untangle. The purpose of this essay is to explicate distinct metaphysical postulates underlying thinking of two influential philosophers: Allan David Bloom (1930-1992) and John Dewey (1859-1952). Of course, these two men were quite clear as to ontological postulates underlying their arguments. It is due to that clarity that examination of their respective metaphysics contributes to our own contemporary understanding as we carry on discussion. One would be hard pressed to find a thinker more influential in twentieth century than John Dewey. This is true across wide spectrum of schools of thought and fields of inquiry, not least of which are philosophy of education and theory of democracy. His work remains actively studied and productively applied to this day. Allan Bloom's influence as a teacher of classical literature and political theory was sustained over many years, but his impact as an author was enhanced by his bestselling book The Closing of American Mind, published in 1987. Perhaps most often purchased and least read book of decade, it became a symbol in curriculum wars of period. Its popularity was in some ways unfortunate, for like most symbols, depth of its insight was too often lost in heat of debate. The more difficult chapters of book are well worth careful review. Faith in one's democratic fellow has always been and yet remains core matter of contention; one need not venture far into folly of human foible and frailty to question prudence of self-government. Certainly, from beginning of American Experiment, education has been promoted as best response to such misgivings. It is impossible to converse about democratic character, citizenship, or leadership without subject of education emerging, two are so entwined. Oftentimes, an impasse seems to be encountered and one feels compelled to choose from two less than satisfactory alternatives. It is at such moments that our unexamined assumptions are ripe for examination. This essay attempts to explicate some of those underlying assumptions about how is; that is to say, our ontology. Allan Bloom (1987) is insightful when he points out that fundamental crisis facing us today is incoherence and incompatibility among first principles with which we interpret world (p. 346). However, his solution to this predicament falls woefully short; indeed, it may serve to make matters worse. The philosophy of John Dewey provides a fruitful perspective from which to examine shortcomings of Bloom's thinking. Dewey also supplies an alternative to what Bloom views as underlying impasse. The essay below is divided into three sections. The first will summarize Allan Bloom's position as it is found in his influential book, The Closing of American Mind. The paraphrase found here will be tightly focused upon those postulates underlying a more extensive argument. The second section will offer a critical examination of these underpinnings found in Bloom's analysis of crisis in American higher education from perspective of John Dewey's thought. The final section will furnish a brief account of Dewey's alternative ontology as it relates to fundamental dualism underpinning Bloom's critique of American higher education. If reader returns to Dewey's original text, author will be delighted indeed. I. Openness and Demise of American College Student Allan Bloom addresses the state of our souls in a report from the front. The front of which he speaks is current scene of higher education as he found it in best universities. The students he encountered there are united in their claim that truth is relative. The belief that truth is relative is necessary to virtue which they hold most dear: openness. …

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