
Blockchain has transformed various industries including finance, banking, and digital commerce by enhancing data transparency and security. This exploratory study aimed to comprehend the challenges in adopting blockchain within the food industry and offers constructive suggestions for future implementations to mitigate failure risks. The research employed surveys and interviews from ten respondents to gather insights from industry professionals directly engaged in the adoption of blockchain. The study focused solely on the halal food sector considering the various types of business within it. Analysis using the 'Technological Organizational Environmental' (TOE) theory revealed three primary challenges such as data integration, stakeholder management and data availability. Recommendations resulting from the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) framework were discussed. The study identified that risk priority number (or RPN) for team competency, data unavailability and unstable adoption was 336, 256 and 245, respectively. These risks were considered as the most significant challenge to blockchain adoption in the food industry.

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