
Abstract: In today’s digital era, the internet heavily depends on a centralized framework where powerful servers support content on well-known platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Although this centralization is proficient in content delivery, it comes with significant drawbacks, including a single point of failure and vulnerability to censorship. The need for a decentralized web hosting structure is growing due to its promise of content accessibility regardless of a user’s geographical location, while still maintaining the speed and reliability of conventional web services. Currently, the internet’s structure is defined by centralization, introducing risks related to cyber-attacks and service disturbances. For example, even a brief disruption to a large platform like Facebook can leave millions without internet access. Additionally, large corporations and government bodies possess significant control over the internet, enabling them to alter and censor content. To confront these problems, it becomes essential to develop a decentralized web structure that is publicly owned. This study delves into the issues arising from the centralized internet and investigates potential solutions by utilizing blockchain technology to decentralize web structure, subsequently improving traditional web services and fortifying the internet’s robustness and accessibility

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