
Abstract: Blind people are facing many problems in their day-to-day life. They find it very difficult to read books as well as to recognize the object in front of them. From the survey of WHO,30 million peoples are permanently blind and 285 billion peoples with vision impairment. if you notice them, you can very well know about it they can’t walk without the help of other. one has to ask guidance to reach their destination. they have to face more struggles in their life daily life. Visually impaired people find difficulties detecting obstacles in front of them, during walking in the street, which makes it dangerous. A lots of blind people suffer in their own lives because of their vision loss. Vision is one of the five important senses in the human body. People with Vision loss have their own disability. Many countries around the world provide special assistance to these needed people to improve their life quality as good as possible. They provide them with special equipment for their disability to improve their daily life like voice message service, electronic stick that guide them while moving around and other specialized equipment. Blind people can't even walk without any aid. Many times they rely on others for help. Several technologies for the assistance of visually impaired people have been developed. This paper proposes a system for blind people. The proposed system aims to create a wearable visual aid for visually impaired people in which speech commands are accepted by the user. Its functionality addresses the identification of objects .This will help the visually impaired person to manage day-to-day activities through his/her surroundings. To help the blind people the visual world has to be transformed into the audio world with the potential to inform them about objects. Therefore, we propose to aid the visually impaired by introducing a system that is most feasible, compact, and cost effective. So, we implied a system that makes use of Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi is used to implement artificial vision using python language on the Open CV platform. The system consists of a webcam interfaced with raspberry pi. Pi Camera detects and find the type of object with the help of ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic sensor to detect the real time hurdles while walking on the roads. The ultrasonic sensor used in this project plays a vital role. It detects the object in front of this. When object is detected a indication sound is given to the user via earphone. While they hear this sound they can know an obstacle in front of them. The system is intended to provide Raspberry Pi. The proposed system detects an object around them and sends feedback in the form of speech, warning messages via earphone. This new system may solve some of major problems of blind persons that are still existing. The aim of all these systems is to help the user to detect object without the help of a second person. This system is to provide a low cost and efficient obstacle detection aid for blind which gives a sense of artificial vision by providing information about the environmental scenario of static and dynamic object around them, so that they can walk independently. This paper combines the functionality of Object detection. The objective is to develop user friendly application

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