
Recent reviews 1,2 have called attention to the blind loop syndrome as a cause for vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) deficiency and, less commonly, steatorrhea. This syndrome may arise whenever stasis is produced in the small intestine, either by surgical creation of a segment of bowel which does not empty properly or by disease processes such as inflammatory stricture or multiple diverticulae. The clinical manifestations of this entity can usually be controlled, at least temporarily, by the administration of broadspectrum antibiotics such as chloramphenicol and those of the tetracycline group, and it is felt that an overgrowth of bacteria in the poorly emptying intestinal segment is responsible for the deranged physiology. Few reports of such cases have included data on gastric secretion, although it has been noted that some patients with the blind loop syndrome who present with a pernicious anemia-like picture have free acid in the stomach aspirate. The following

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