
Methanol (CH3OH) and ethanol (C2H5OH) have came to limelight now-a-days because of their property of less polluting emittants and thought of as extremely economical due to its swish operative capacity. Low particulate level and soot free emission can also be obtained due to presence of oxygen in these fuels. We can obtain a considerable fuel efficiency and sound mileage if we double the carbon in ethanol which contains more energy. The structure is more similar to iso-butanol. Iso-butanol is unique in alcoholic fuels due to its equatorial affinity for water. The worldwide energy policy also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions occurred due to traditional fuels and thus developing renewable energy became an important part of this policy. Now-a-days transport sector has decreased its reliance on oil which generally contributes to hazardous environmental impact and to achieve this some alternative transport fuels such as biofuels, hydrogen and natural gas emerged up as a helping hand. Blending methanol into diesel and gasoline permits the mixture to possess an entire combustion with the presence of oxygen which increases its combustion efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emission. Gasohol- a blend of gasoline and 10%methanol is available at plenty of petrol service stations as a regular automobile fuel within the United States. Brazil has successfully implemented and used methanol in terms of spark ignition engine operations as a fuel. Methanol has emerged up as a sustainable fuel for IC engines in past few decades because of its characteristics of soot free burning and higher efficiencies at less cost. The European Union decided to set 10% requirement of renewable energy in transport sector which is to be compiled with by 2020. In 2010, the transport sector utilized 4.70% of renewable energy out of which 91% was covered by biofuels.

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