
In recent times, one of the major reasons for the promotion and continuous relevance of online learning platforms is to reduce the rapid spread of COVID-19 most especially among the middle age. It is expected to engender continued access to learning anywhere irrespective of time and location. This does not preclude the traditional face-to-face method of teaching from providing an opportunity for robust student-teacher interaction. The combination of these two modes of teaching could be termed blended learning or blended learning, and it is fast becoming a popular approach to teaching in this post-COVID-19 era. Blended learning as an approach to the teaching-learning system is a necessary merging of face-to-face traditional teaching approach and online-based class for actual learning that encourages teacher’s control of class activity in post-COVID-19 time. Notwithstanding, the online method of teaching is characterized by problems occasioned by individualization and a series of other challenges in aftermath of post-COVID-19. Blended learning has therefore been shown to encompass numerous benefits that are lacking in either the online or internet-based teaching methods or the traditional face-to-face method of teaching. These are found in examples such as Flipped learning, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), live chat and other e-learning environment techniques that have been reported to boost learning outcomes. It is instructive to note that despite the advancements and seeming benefits, teacher-student interaction which is quintessential to student development has been estranged. This is a strong limitation that may make the sole adoption of learning strategies outside the regular classes (Online Learning) more complicated. It is recommended that the blended learning approach should be encouraged to help synchronize the two teaching strategies to maximize the benefits that can minimize or eradicate the inherent deficiencies.

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