
This Forensic Linguistic Study aims to describe the elements of insults against Hinduism committed by Desak Made Darmawati and whether these speeches violate Article 156a of the Criminal Code, Law on Blasphemy by applying speech act theory. The data in this research is in the form of video recordings which are transcribed into text. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a forensic linguistic approach. The results of data analysis show that there are elements of religious blasphemy spoken by Desak Made Darmawati in his video. He talked a lot about his experiences when he was still a Hindu, which he then compared with the religion he currently adheres to, namely Islam. The elements of blasphemy committed relate to Hindu religious ceremonies, the form of God in Hinduism, prayer in Hinduism, fasting in Hinduism and also Ngaben in Hinduism. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the blasphemous speech committed by Desak Made Darmawati contained elements of a violation of Article 156a of the Criminal Code concerning Religious Blasphemy and also the ITE Law with various types of blasphemy, namely blasphemy against the concept of divinity, cremation procession, and fasting procession in Hindu religious teachings. . This type of blasphemy is expressed in Directive Illocutionary speech acts which aim to insult or insult. From a linguistic aspect, it was found that the utterances in the video were sufficient to fulfill the requirements to become a suspect as stated in Article 156a of the Criminal Code, namely [1] the perpetrator intentionally expressed feelings or committed acts which were essentially hostile, abusive or desecrating the religion he adhered to. in Indonesia, [2] acts are committed in public or through written or electronic media.

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