
We show that Chern-Simons (CS) modified gravity with a prescribed CS scalar field admits rotating black hole/string solutions with cylindrical topology of the horizon, and we present two intriguing physical examples of such configurations. First, we show that the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli stationary black string, which is obtained by adding a spacelike flat dimension to the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole metric of three-dimensional gravity, solves the field equations of CS modified gravity with a specific source term irrespective of the choice of CS scalar field. Next, we consider the Lemos solution for a rotating, straight black string in general relativity and show that, for the CS scalar field being a function of the radial coordinate alone, this solution persists in CS modified gravity. We also present a new nontrivial (non-general relativity) G\"odel-type solution to the vacuum field equations of CS modified gravity.

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