
This paper aims to evince the corrections on the black string warped horizon in the braneworld paradigm, and their drastic physical consequences, as well as to provide subsequent applications in astrophysics. Our analysis concerning black holes on the brane departs from the Schwarzschild case, where the black string is unstable to large-scale perturbation. The cognizable measurability of the black string horizon corrections due to braneworld effects is investigated, as well as their applications in the variation of quasars luminosity. We delve into the case wherein two solutions of Einstein’s equations proposed by Casadio, Fabbri and Mazzacurati, regarding black hole metrics presented a post-Newtonian parameter measured on the brane. In this scenario, it is possible to analyze purely the braneworld corrected variation in quasars luminosity, by an appropriate choice of the post-Newtonian parameter that precludes Hawking radiation on the brane: the variation in quasars luminosity is uniquely provided by pure braneworld effects, as the Hawking radiation on the brane is suppressed.

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