Although black silicon is used widely as an antireflection coating in solar cells, the corresponding electrical properties are usually poor because the accompanied enlarged surface area can result in increased recombination. Moreover, the high aspect ratio of fragile nanostructured black silicon makes conformal passivation even more challenging. Micropillars are promising alternative candidates for efficiently collecting carriers because the diffusion distance for minority carriers to reach the p–n junction can be shortened; however, the pillar diameter is usually larger than the wavelength of light, inherently increasing the surface reflection. In this paper, we report an approach for decreasing the surface reflection of black silicon and micropillar structures: combining them together to create a dual-scale superstructure that improves the electrical and optical properties concurrently. The reflection of the micropillars decreased significantly as the surface was decorated with a thin black silicon layer, and the thickness of black silicon required for low reflection was reduced as the black silicon was positioned atop micropillars. Three-dimensional finite difference time domain simulations supported these results. Moreover, with such a thin decoration layer, the superstructure displayed improved power conversion efficiency after silicon nitride passivation, suggesting great potential for such superstructures when applied in solar cells.
A low surface reflection is essential for the trapping of incident light in high-performance silicon solar cells [1, 2]
We have presented the initial idea of a dual-scale superstructure, combining black silicon” (b-Si) and micropillars, for solar cells and demonstrate that lower reflection and higher photoelectronic conversion can both be obtained at the same time [26]
The power conversion efficiency (PCE), increased initially before reaching a maximum and decreasing thereafter, indicating that an enlarged surface area arising from a higher-aspect-ratio profile may degrade the PCE performance after long etching times
A low surface reflection is essential for the trapping of incident light in high-performance silicon solar cells [1, 2]. Exploiting a graded change in refractive index between air and silicon, several nanostructures, including moth-eyelike nanotips, have been applied to fabricate “black silicon” (b-Si) [3,4,5]. This approach through structural modulation can decrease the surface reflection of materials efficiently over broad spectral ranges. Other optical properties of silicon-based materials have been widely investigated [7, 8], but the application of b-Si in solar cells requires consideration of its electrical properties. The performance of b-Si solar cells is not superior to that of the traditional solar cells having antireflective pyramid surface structures, even
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