
Abstract Field trials were conducted to evaluate use of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) in transplant water to protect newly transplanted Brassica crops from cutworm damage. Five week old collard plants grown in 0880 A Todd Flats were set in a Calloway silt loam on 13 Sep. Plots consisted of a single row on raised beds (40 inch bed spacing), 20 ft long, with 1 unplanted row separating adjacent plots. Within rows plant spacing was 9.0 inches. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. The transplanter delivered 50 ml transplant solution to the soil as each plant was set. Spray applications were made using a backpack sprayer equipped with a single hollow cone nozzle directed at the base of the plant and calibrated to deliver 40 gal/acre at 40 psi. Soil temperature at the time of transplanting was 92°F. All plots were irrigated by furrow flood 2 h post treatment and again at 4 and 8 DAT. Plant loss due to cutworm damage was evaluated at 1, 3 and 10 DAT. Squareroot transformations of % data were subjected to ANOVA.

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