
The article provides a general overview of the biota of the «Askania Nova» Biosphere Reserve named after F.E. Falz-Fein of NAAS based on existing reports and updating of some inventory data. The information on the area, functional zoning and physical and geographical location of the territory is presented. The original, historically defined infrastructure of the Askania Reserve Complex is noted, which significantly differs from the objects of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine due to the combination of natural ecosystems of virgin fescue-fescue steppe with plantations of the irrigated dendrological park and the zoo with semi-free keeping of wild ungulates. It is emphasized that such a combination of nature protection functions and heterogeneity of the natural-territorial complex determine a high level of biodiversity, including its rare component. Thus, the indicated heterogeneity of the Reserve's territory, as well as the succession of natural ecosystems, invasions and related consequences of introduction require periodic re-inventories, critical audits, coordination and systematization of general floristic and faunal summaries of the territory, individual species lists in the context of functional zones, and clarification of the sozological status of species. Existing materials on the biota diversity and the list of rare species of flora and fauna of the «Askania Nova» Biosphere Reserve have been consolidated into a single, comprehensive list, which illustrates the full species composition of natural and artificial ecosystems of different functional zones, proves the factual richness of the current version of the general biota summary, provides the necessary cadastral information and methodological basis for assessing the environmental damage caused by the armed aggression and occupation of the territory. Currently, the biodiversity of the «Askania Nova» Biosphere Reserve, including the dendrological park of national importance and the zoo, comprises 2570 species of phytobiota (vascular plants — 1762, bryophytes — 54, algae — 285, fungi — 330, lichens and lichenicolous fungi — 139) and 2292 species of zoobiota (invertebrates — 1945, vertebrates — 347). The biota includes 167 species of flora and 307 species of fauna with national, regional, and international protection status.

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