
Modern hunting economy makes a certain contribution to the human diet. In the Russian Federation, brown bear hunting is allowed in certain areas of its range [3, 7]. The biology and ecology of bears as animals, which are a key link in the food chain in natural conditions, has been the subject of many studies, including zoological, hunting, and veterinary biological studies [10]. Bear meat has a high nutritional value, even compared to pork or lamb, and in terms of high protein content in its composition, it is similar to beef. Due to the specifics and rules of hunting, game consumption per person is determined to be 5-7 kg/year (against 73 kg/year for the meat of farm animals).Based on the complex of studies, it can be concluded that the presented samples of bear meat from the hunting grounds of the Yaroslavl region corresponded to all indicators regulated by the quality and safety requirements, and also have high nutritional value and taste. Thus, all this once again confirms that bear meat is currently a valuable, environmentally friendly food resource for humans, and in the conditions of increasing anthropogenic pressure on the territory, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the reasonable use, conservation and restoration of hunting resources.

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