
Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are among the most widespread infectious diseases, accounting for up to 90—95% annually in the structure of the registered infectious morbidity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every adult on average a year suffers from respiratory infections 2 times, a schoolchild — 3 times, a preschool child - 6 times. Currently, among this group of infections, only influenza is controlled by annual immunoprophylaxis. According to the results of numerous studies, it has been found that with timely vaccination, flu can be prevented in 80–90% of children and adults. It should also be noted that in the vaccinated, the disease proceeds in a milder form and without complications. Therefore, specific immunoprophylaxis against influenza is the most effective means of protecting a susceptible organism, helping to reduce the circulation of influenza viruses among the population, which makes it possible to recommend it for the general population. However, most of the viruses belonging to the ARVI group do not lend themselves to specific immunoprophylaxis, therefore, it is necessary to use non-specific means of preventing infections caused by respiratory viruses. In recent years, there has been a tendency for the widespread use of natural products, which include complex preparations of bioregulatory medicine. This approach is based on the concept of the complexity of diseases and is aimed at eliminating those dysregulation in biological networks that underlie diseases. The goal of bioregulatory medicine is to improve patient outcomes by maintaining the body’s ability to self-regulate. Drugs related to bioregulatory medicine have antiviral, immunomodulatory and cytoprotective effects. This group of drugs has practically no side effects and toxic effects, they do not create a pharmacological load on the organs of detoxification and excretion, therefore they can be recommended among the child population. This group of funds includes the drug Engystol®; Euphorbium compositum®, which is used for rhinitis, sinusitis and rhinosinusitis; Girel®, used as a symptomatic remedy for ARVI, including influenza. The article presents data on the effective use of bioregulatory medicine in the complex therapy and prevention of respiratory viral infections.

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