
The pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis is one of the major pests in stored pulse causes 40-50% losses of pulses in storage. Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of some selected biorational insecticides on percent mortality of beetle, percent weight loss of seeds, no. of eggs laid per female, percent hatchability, larval duration, pupal period and adult longevity of pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis under laboratory condition. Among the different botanicals, neem oil (77%) was found the most effective showing 78% mortality of pulse beetle in direct method followed by Mahogany oil (69%) and karanja oil (62%). In case of indirect method, the highest percent mortality was recorded from karanja oil (37%) which was followed by Neem oil (33%) and Mahogany oil (33%). Among different microbial derivatives, Libsen was found most effective considering mortality followed by Suspend 5SG and Ambush 1.8EC. The highest percentage of weight reduction was observed in Karanja oil (15%) and the lowest (14%) was in Mahogany oil. The highest percentage of weight reduction was obtained from Ambush 1.8EC (16%) and the lowest percentage of weight reduction was obtained from Suspend 5SG (13%). No. of eggs laid per female was the highest in mahogany oil (24) and lowest in Libsen (19). Percent of hatchability was highest in mahogany oil (21%) and lowest in Libsen (16%). Larval duration was the highest in mahogany oil (16 days) and the lowest was in Suspend 5SG(13days). Pupal period highest in neem oil (7 days) and the lowest was in (6 days). The highest adult longevity (22 days) from the seeds treated with karanja oil. The lowest adult longevity (18 days) from seeds treated with Libson. Thus, Karanja, Neem and Mahogany oil, Libsen, Ambush 1.8EC and Suspend 5SG were found effective against pulse beetle in storage. Therefore, these biorationals might be included in the development of IPM packages for the management of pulse beetle in the storage.

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