
The main aim of the paper is to point to the role that biotechnology entrepreneurship and its respective innovations play in increasing the number of small and medium-sized enterprises. Biotechnology entrepreneurship entails setting up any new business venture by means of modifying living organisms with a view to meeting human needs. The paper highlights the role, importance and seven basic examples of practical application of biotechnology, such as health-related or so-called red biotechnology, agricultural or green biotechnology, industrial or white biotechnology, as well as the application of biology in launching business ventures in the field of ecology, forensics, computer sciences and tourism. The paper expounds on the main characteristics that a successful biotechnology entrepreneur should possess, some of them being: achievement motivation, willingness to take risks, a high internal locus of control, creativity, innovation, the need for independence and a vision. Moreover, the role of universities is emphasized through their support for biotechnology innovations in entrepreneurship, a multidisciplinary approach to curriculum design, organizing workshops and launching biology students' internship programmes.


  • Osnovni cilj ovog rada jeste da ukaţe na ulogu koju biopreduzetništvo i biopreduzetniĉke inovacije imaju na povećanje broja malih i srednjih preduzeća

  • Napredno društvo se temelji na preduzimljivim ljudima i preduzetniĉkoj aktivnosti koja je prisutna na globalnom nivou i moţe se videti svuda – i u zemljama u razvoju i u razvijenim zemljama

  • Biopreduzetniĉke inovacije kao osnova za pokretanje novih poslovnih poduhvata tehnologija, kao što su novi materijali, mikroprocesori, raĉunari, telekomunikacije i robotika

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Osnovni cilj ovog rada jeste da ukaţe na ulogu koju biopreduzetništvo i biopreduzetniĉke inovacije imaju na povećanje broja malih i srednjih preduzeća. U mnogim sluĉajevima ona je takoĊe zavisna od poznavanja metoda izvan sfere biologije, a to je širok spektar znanja iz oblasti ekonomije, kao što su: finansije, raĉunovodstvo, proizvodnja, marketing, preduzetništvo.

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