
Introduction. Environmental issues have different social and economic causes. The demand on natural raw materials has led to the disappearance of different animal species, yet human waste is one of the most important elements of global and local pollution. According to the results of the survey, 56% of those surveyed in Latvia have recognised that they prefer to choose those brands that are in favour of a clean environment. Sustainability and environmentally friendly farming are becoming more and more wide spread and topical, so the authors want to explore whether biomimicry used in a product development, increases the opportunities for more sustainable products.
 Aim and tasks. The main aim of this research is to create a framework for using biomimicry to manufacture new interior design products. The interior design project is needed to improve the quality of life in a society. The intention for this research is to help to develop the quality of long-term solutions for the society's daily life in accordance with nature. An interior design, which is created close to natural processes using all possibly available materials and products on the basis of biomimicry methods.
 Results. This article explores the ways in which biomimicry techniques, based on the Design Spiral and Janine Benyus Biomimicry Design Lens Principles of Life, can be combined with the design process of an interior design, thereby to create a framework with the help of which a designer works and creates a sustainable interior design. The interior design is a complex process, it is more than just the location of objects in a room or just a decorative supplement that covers the structure of a building, it is a necessary dimension that actually transforms a simple architectural space into a habitable place with a desired order, stability, and individuality.
 Conclusions. The article proposes a basis for the application of biomimicry in the development of an interior design product. The main difference between an interior design and the methodology of biomimicry is that in an interior design process the main question needs to be biologized from “What do I want to create?” to ”What do I want to achieve with my design?”. Also, in an interior design process there are phases to follow to create a design, like there are phases to create in biomimicry based products or processes. The most important points in the creation of the framework are the milestones at which the process of designing interior design should begin to be biologized. Changing the order of the Design Spiral phases and adjusting it to the designing points of an interior design, a system can be created in which all stages of the Design Spiral are connected with the interior design process.Milestones show the progress of a project where each milestone has the actions or activities to be performed, respectively.

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