
Purpose: This paper examines Buddy Punching, a type of Time Theft where employees clock in or out for each other. It emphasizes the financial and ethical consequences this has in organizational environments.
 Methodology: The study uses both quantitative analysis and technology review. It measures the financial effects of Buddy Punching, focusing on average employer losses of $1,560 per employee each year. The paper also evaluates potential solutions like facial recognition and AWS Rekognition.
 Findings: Our analysis shows that Buddy Punching lowers morale, raises payroll costs, and encourages dishonesty. The study suggests that technological solutions like facial recognition and AWS Rekognition effectively combat this unethical behavior. However, their use also brings up ethical issues that need to be addressed.
 Unique Contribution to Theory, policy and practice: This paper expands existing research by measuring the financial effects of Buddy Punching and critically evaluating the effectiveness and ethics of technological solutions. It adds to the discussion on workplace ethics and technology management. The paper also offers a thorough strategy for reducing Buddy Punching and promoting honesty and responsibility at work.

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