
We hypothesized that in a cadaveric massive rotator cuff tear (MCT) model, a fascia lata (FL) allograft superior capsular reconstruction (SCR) would restore subacromial contact pressure and humeral head superior translation without limiting range of motion (ROM). Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare these parameters between an intact rotator cuff, MCT, and allograft FL SCR. Eight fresh cadavers were studied using a custom shoulder testing system. ROM, superior translation, and subacromial contact pressure were measured in each of 3 states: (1) intact rotator cuff, (2) MCT, and (3) MCT with SCR. Total ROM was increased in the MCT state at 60° of abduction (P = .037). FL SCR did not restrict internal or external rotational ROM. Increased superior translation was observed in the MCT state at 0° and 30° of humeral abduction, with no significant difference between the intact cuff and FL SCR states. The MCT state significantly increased mean subacromial contact pressure at 0° of abduction with 30° and 60° of external rotation, and FL SCR restored this to intact levels. Peak subacromial contact pressure was increased for the MCT state at 0° of abduction with 30° and 60° of external rotation, as well as 30° of abduction with 30° of external rotation. This study demonstrates a tensor FL allograft preparation technique for use in SCR. After MCT, FL SCR restores ROM, superior translation, and subacromial contact pressure to the intact state.

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