
Three bamboo stands(Phyllostachys pubescens(Mazel) Ohwi, P. bambusoides Sieb. et Zucc, P. nigra var. henonis Stapf ex. Rendle) were selected to determine suitable biomass equations and productivity of Gajwa and Wola National Experimental Forests, Jinju, Southern Korea. Different independent variables such as diameter at breast height(DBH) or the combination of DBH and height(H) were used to develop biomass equations(Allometric model : logY = a + blog DBH; Linear-quadratic model : Y=aDBH + bDBH2; Linear model with DBH and height : Y=a + bDBH2·H) for each bamboo component from two age-sequence(current-year, > 1-year-old) of three bamboo stands. Based on statistical indicators, the most suitable equation model to estimate biomass from bamboo stands was a linear-quadratic model. Aboveground biomass of three bamboo stands estimated by the model was 48.864 Mg ha-1 for the P. pubescens, followed by 36.632 Mg ha-1 for the P. bambusoides, and 36.504 Mg ha-1 for the P. nigra var. henonis stands, respectively. The highest biomass in the P. pubescens stand was attributed to the morphological growth characteristics such as DBH and height. Belowground biomass was also highest for P. pubescens(53.35 Mg ha-1), followed by the P. bambusoides(36.73 Mg ha-1) and the P. nigra var. henonis(29.75 Mg ha-1) stands. The results indicate that the morphological growth characteristics such as DBH and height among bamboo species were the most important factor to determine bamboo biomass productivity at a local level.

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