
Hidden hunger is emerging as a major challenge for agricultural scientists because world population is increasing and food production is augmenting. Metals deficiencies (micronutrient malnutrition), especially Zn and Fe, are affecting over half of global population because they are depending cereal crops mainly wheat rice and maize for their daily diet. There are various possible techniques to overcome the hidden hunger but agronomic biofortification is one of the major agricultural strategies to enhance the grain concentration of micronutrients. Application of iron sulphate (FeSO4) zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) and as alone or in combination either soil and foliar application increased the height of plants, number of tillers, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, thousand grain weight, economical yield, biological yield and harvesting index, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and protein contents. Among different Zn and Fe concentrations applied either soil supplement or foliar spray, combine foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO4 and 1% FeSO4 significantly improved the maximum growth or quality attributes of wheat. Biofortification is one of the major agricultural strategies to enhance the concentration of micronutrients in grains to minimize the malnutrition. Combination of Zn and Fe as foliar spray (0.5% ZnSO4 and 1% FeSO4) increased the yield traits of wheat crop as well as quality parameters of grains. Foliar application method is more appropriate for availability of nutrients to plants for optimum growth as compared to soil application method. Combined application of Zn and Fe (0.5% ZnSO4 and 1% FeSO4) through foliar spray is recommended to enhance the productivity of wheat crop with good quality of grains.

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