Dependence on inorganic fertilizers is a major risk in today's food supply efforts, along with the increasing population. One of the efforts to reduce this risk is to apply biological fertilizers that are specially formulated on the suitable carrier material so that they are able to work effectively and efficiently in substituting the need for inorganic fertilizer inputs and increasing plant yield components. Inceptisol series Jatinangor has characteristic soil texture is dominated by clay fraction, neutral pH 7.01. Under neutral conditions, in general, nutrients in the soil tend to be more readily available, but the availability of P is actually very low at only 2.82 mg.kg-1 of soil. In this neutral to alkaline pH, the solubility of metal cations Ca and Mg increased, indicated by a high Ca2+ content of 12.60 cmol.kg-1 and Mg2+ which was also high at 4.91 cmol.kg-1. The nutrient imbalance is also due to the low C-organic content of the soil, namely 1.83%, so that the soil's support capacity is low. Low organic C causes the presence of indigenous microbes which is quite high, especially PSMs, namely 1 x 104 cfu.g-1, which is not able to increase the availability of soil nutrients, especially P due to lack of carbon sources. The experiment aimed to determine the compatibility and characteristics of inoculants in the biofertilizer gel contains PSMs plus (BG) and its effect on the dynamics of phosphate in Inceptisols Jatinangor. BG contains a consortium of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) which are packaged in hydrogel carriers and additives. The PSB used were Bacillus subtillis, Pseudomonas maleii, and Bulkholderia cepacea, while the PSF used was Trichoderma asperellum. The experiment were carried out in vitro at the Soil Biology Laboratory of Universitas Padjadjaran in collaboration with PT Agritek Tani Indonesia and at the Experimental Land of the Department of Soil Science of Universitas Padjadjaran. The experimental design used in this study was a single randomized block design (RBD) with 9 treatments and 3 replications, consisting of treatments (control: 0 BG + 0 P); (1 P); (1 BG); (1 BG + ½ P); (1 BG + ¾ P); (1 BG + 1 P); (½ BG + ¾ P); (¾ BG + ¾ P); and (1 ½ BG + ¾ P). The dose of fertilizer used was BG 50 kg. ha-1, SP-36 100 kg.ha-1, Urea 350 kg.ha-1, KCl 50 kg.ha-1, and sheep manure as basic fertilizer 2 t.ha-1.The results showed that each isolate had the ability to dissolved phosphate, produced IAA, and one of them was antagonistic against the fungal pathogen Fusarium sp.. The combination of fertilizers had an effect on regulate soil pH, and increasing phosphatase activity, soil available P, soil potential P, and PSMs population in the soil. The formulation of 1 BG + ¾ P consistently showed the best effect on soil phosphate dynamics in Inceptisols Jatinangor.
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