
The mangrove heap of Rhizophora mucronata Lamk as a result of planting activities managed by a community group called Surya Perdana Mandiri in Singkawang City, Setapuk Besar Village was not utilized, due to lack of information and knowledge of the community about the benefits of this type. This study aims to analyze phytochemical compounds from fruit mangrove extracts of R. mucronata, then analyzing the bioactivity of extracts against subterranean termites Coptotermes curvignathus and determine the optimum concentration of R. mucronata mangrove fruit extracts wich inhibited the activity of subterranean termites C. curvignathus. Fruit of R. mucronata was extraction with aquades for three hours with a temperature of 50°C. Then the extract was made into concentration 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%. The filter paper was dip in extract solution then put into medium as a food source for termites for 21 days. The mortality of termites and weight loss of filter paper was analyzed to evaluate the inhibition assay.This study uses a completely randomized design method and statistical calculations using SPSS 22. Termite mortality at a concentration of 0% (control) is significantly different from all concentrations. However, when compared between concentrations (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%) the difference was not significant, meaning that mortality between concentrations did not have a significant effect. Weight loss of filter paper at a concentration of 0% (control) was significantly different from a concentration of 10%. The results showed that the concentration of 10% of R. mucronata mangrove extract was an optimum concentration to inhibited the subterranean termites Coptotermes curvignathus with a mortality value of 92% and a weight loss value of 26.91%.Keyword : antitermites, bioactivity, Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren, fruit waste, Rhizophora mucronata Lamk


  • PENDAHULUAN Hutan mangrove yang terletak di Kelurahan Setapuk Besar, Kota Singkawang dikelola oleh organisasi masyarakat Surya Perdana Mandiri (SPM) memiliki jenis flora berupa bakau-bakauan, salah satunya yaitu Rhizophora mucronata Lamk

  • The mangrove heap of Rhizophora mucronata Lamk as a result of planting activities managed by a community group called Surya Perdana Mandiri in Singkawang City, Setapuk Besar Village was not utilized, due to lack of information and knowledge of the community about the benefits of this type

  • This study aims to analyze phytochemical compounds from fruit mangrove extracts of R. mucronata, analyzing the bioactivity of extracts against subterranean termites Coptotermes curvignathus and determine the optimum concentration of R. mucronata mangrove fruit extracts wich inhibited the activity of subterranean termites C. curvignathus

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Penelitian dilaksanakan pada dua tempat yaitu di Wood Workshop

Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura sebagai tempat persiapan bahan baku dan Laboratorium Teknologi Kayu Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura sebagai tempat untuk pembuatan dan pengujian ektrak limbah buah bakau R.mucronata. Serbuk limbah buah bakau sebanyak 1 g dimasukan ke dalam beaker gelas 100 ml, dan ditambahkan pelarut aquades dengan perbandingan. Selanjutnya filtrat diuapkan menggunakan oven dengan suhu 60°C sampai kering, kemudian cawan porselen ditimbang untuk mendapatkan berat ekstrak. 2.3.2 Pembuatan ekstrak untuk bahan pengujian ditimbang sebanyak 100 g, kemudian ditambahkan pelarut aquades dengan perbandingan 1:10 (b/v), kemudian dicampurkan dan dipanaskan menggunakan hot plate dengan suhu 50°C. Ekstrak limbah buah bakau R. mucronata diteteskan pada plat tetes (titik pertama sebagai standard, titik kedua untuk pengujian triterpenoid, dan titik ketiga untuk pengujian steroid) dan dibiarkan sampai kering. Ekstrak limbah buah bakau R. mucronata sebanyak 1 ml ditambahkan dengan 5 ml air panas lalu dikocok selama 1 menit. Setelah 21 hari, sampel dibersihkan dari pasir dan di oven dengan suhu 60°C selama 15 menit kemudian sampel ditimbang untuk mendapatkan berat akhir. Klasifikasi tingkat aktifitas anti rayap terhadap ekstrak dibagi dalam beberapa kriteria mortalitas rayap yang disajikan pada Tabel 1

Tidak aktif
Parameter Uji
Dari Coptotermes curvignathus
Rayap Tanah Coptotermes
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