
The β-carboline compounds norharman and harman exhibit neuroactive activity in the human body. Chicory coffee has proved to be a source of β-carboline compounds. This study assessed the norharman and harman contents of traditional and novel raw materials for the production of chicory coffee, as well as in samples of chicory coffee with novel additives. The highest content of the β-carbolines among the traditional raw materials was recorded in roasted sugar beet (2.26μg/g), while roasting the chicory caused a 25-fold increase in the content of norharman in this raw material (from 0.05 to 1.25μg/g). In novel raw materials not subjected to the action of high temperature, β-carboline was not detected. Among the roasted novel raw materials, the highest contents of harman and norharman were found in artichokes. High harman levels were also recorded in roasted chokeberry.

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