
Recent evidence suggests that the visual control of prehension may be less dependent on binocular information than has previously been thought. Studies investigating this question, however, have generally only examined reaches to single objects presented in isolation, even though natural prehensile movements are typically directed at objects in cluttered scenes which contain many objects. The present study was designed, therefore, to assess the contribution of binocular information to the control of prehensile movements in multiple-object scenes. Subjects reached for and grasped objects presented either in isolation or in the presence of one, two or four additional 'flanking' objects, under binocular and monocular viewing conditions. So that the role of binocular information could be clearly determined, subjects made reaches both in the absence of a visible scene around the target objects (self-illuminated objects presented in the dark) and under normal ambient lighting conditions. Analysis of kinematic parameters indicated that the removal of binocular information did not significantly affect many of the major indices of the transport component, including peak wrist velocity. However, peak grip apertures increased and subjects spent more time in the final slow phase of movement, prior to grasping the object, during monocularly guided reaches. The dissociation between effects of binocular versus monocular viewing on transport and grasp parameters was observed irrespective of the presence of flanking objects. These results therefore further question the view that binocular vision is pre-eminent in the control of natural prehensile movements.

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