
We present the results of time-resolved spectroscopy of 13 O-type stars in the Cas OB6 stellar association. We conducted a survey for radial velocity variability in search of binary systems, which are expected to be plentiful in young OB associations. Here we report the discovery of two new single-lined binaries, and we present new orbital elements for three double-lined binaries (including one in the multiple star system HD 17505). One of the double-lined systems is the eclipsing binary system DN Cas, and we present a preliminary light curve analysis that yields the system inclination, masses, and radii. We compare the spectra of the single stars and the individual components of the binary stars with model synthetic spectra to estimate the stellar effective temperatures, gravities, and projected rotational velocities. We also make fits of the spectral energy distributions to derive E(B-V), R=A_V/E(B-V), and angular diameter. A distance of 1.9 kpc yields radii that are consistent with evolutionary models. We find that 7 of 14 systems with spectroscopic data are probable binaries, consistent with the high binary frequency found for other massive stars in clusters and associations.

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