
Researchers raised this problem based on the situation that adolescents who are in orphanages do not get direct guidance from biological parents. Teenagers in their development really need guidance and attention from their parents. But it is different from adolescents in homes that are depressed because of the death of both parents so that the child becomes orphaned and orphaned. From the depression experienced, they experience a change in attitude that is not good when at the Orphanage. So to overcome this problem they need the help of religious guidance and Islamic counseling from supervisors and administrators of Aushan orphanage. This matter is absolutely needed practical alternatives in providing Islamic guidance and counseling, especially specifically providing religious guidance and Islamic counseling for adolescent development. As is the case at the Baiturrahmah Annur Orphanage in Parit Lalang Village, Pangkalpinang City. For this reason, at least as a learning process for mentors that adolescents in orphanages really need religious mental guidance, assistance in developing personality, in order to think rationally, always have good behavior, and understand their condition. This research is a type of field research with the main data collection methods through interviews, observation, and documentation. Then the data were analyzed namely, with qualitative descriptive techniques. Furthermore the data collected was analyzed with the theory of Islamic guidance, Islamic counseling, adolescent development and adolescent behavior. The results showed that religious guidance and Islamic counseling activities towards the teenagers of Baiturrahmah Annur orphanage Parit Lalang Village, were able to be an alternative for the supervisors of the orphanage in order to help adolescent problems, foster good adolescent development, and foster good behavior. This can be seen from religious guidance activities such as the guidance of the Koran, prayer, and morals. Then in Islamic counseling can be seen as individual counseling, and consultation.

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