
Dictionaries are not only a complex source, but also a scientific work in the field of theoretical linguistics. Today bilingual dictionaries are used not only as a reference source, but also as a textbook for the quantitative and qualitative development of the four skills of speech activity and communicative competence. This goal can be achieved only if complete complex dictionaries are available and students are trained in their use. This article discusses the importance of bilingual Russian-Persian and Persian-Russian dictionaries in teaching the Russian language to Iranian students and the problems that exist in this area. Among specialists in the field of teaching foreign languages there are different approaches to ensuring the effectiveness of the use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries. The authors try to highlight some of the difficulties students have in learning the Russian language, the problem of insufficient provision of educational environment of Iranian universities with high-quality bilingual dictionaries, and also suggest ways to improve the situation and improve the quality of teaching the Russian language.

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