
Hybrid education (hybrid education) is the name given to distance education by using the possibilities of technology to eliminate time-and space-related obstacles to traditional face-to-face education. The history of this education, more commonly known as distance education, dates back to the 1700s. Due to the inadequacy and slowness of the postal services of that day, he could not be healthy and orderly. the curative studies carried out in 1892 began to make academic sense in 1943 when the American army took over distance education for individuals. The term distance education, which was first mentioned in the University of Wisconsin's catalog in 1892, was also used for the first time in an article written by William Lighty in 1906. Later, this term was introduced by the German educator Otto Peters in the 1960s and 1970s in Germany using the concept of fernunterricht and applied in France under the name of distance education. Distance education is an environment in which someone who is away from the learner in terms of time and space performs systematic learning in order to communicate bilaterally using different types of media. When they compared distance education technologies with traditional face-to-face learning, there was no difference in achievement between broadcasting the courses on television and taking them face-to-face. Dec. Similarly, the success of students taking courses in interactive classes was similar to that of students in traditional classes. Off-campus students have been more successful than on-campus students because the course materials have been prepared better and more regularly and clearly. Secondly, students who received off-campus education showed shorter learning because they learned in sequential parts, from simple to complex, in a more sequential manner. However, students on campus were able to receive more direct and face-to-face support. Key Words: Informatics, Hybrid Education, Open and Distance Learning

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