
Edentulism is a prevalent oral health issue that negatively impacts the quality of life of the patient on a social and psychological level. For the treatment of edentulism, implant-supported prosthesis replacement is the most successful and supported treatment plan. Placement of an implant in the maxillary arch exposes a clinician to various complications like the quality of bone, pneumatization of the maxillary sinus, atrophic ridge, etc. This issue can be addressed with bone augmentation techniques using various bone graft materials which can improve the quality of bone and can also protect the sinus membrane. Current concepts in implant dentistry rely on techniques that are minimally invasive. Elevation of the sinus membrane can be performed by a minimally invasive procedure with the help of DASK kits. This case report discusses the full mouth maxillary rehabilitation with immediate implant placement after extraction of hopeless teeth in the anterior region followed by bone augmentation, indirect sinus lift and delayed implant placement in the maxillary molar region using a hydraulic sinus lift DASK kit. The patient has been reviewed periodically and the maxillary arch was later restored using a malo-bridge.

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