
Introductionand Importance: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSSC) is one of the most common malignancies of the oral cavity and is one of the ten most prevalent tumours in the world. Control of this tumor is difficult and challenging as its propensity to spread is embedded in the cancer field of epithelial cells which alter these cells and induce a malignant potential within them. Simultaneous bilateral primary tumours are a rare presentation in the oral cavity which highlights the significance of early diagnosis and treatment. Case presentationHere we present a case of 50-year-old gentleman known case of diabetes, hypertension and chronic history of beetle nut chewing who developed a simultaneously growing bilateral primary OSSC in the buccal mucosa. CT scan revealed a heterogeneous enhancing thickening in the bilateral buccogingival mucosa. A wide local excision of bilateral buccal mucosa with bilateral marginal mandibulectomy with neck dissection was planned. Clinical discussionThe majority of the case report emphasises the relevance of simultaneously developing bilateral primary oral cavity tumours in a patient who had a history of consuming beetle nuts. The independent incidence of bilateral primary OSSC in individuals without a history of tobacco, beetle nut, or alcohol use has also been documented in a small body of research. Due to the considerable clinical variety in its presentation, it is necessary to include bilateral primary OSSC when making a differential diagnosis of OSSC. ConclusionMultiple bilateral primary tumours of the oral cavity are typically on the rise. The prognosis and survival of these individuals are considerably improved by close surveillance and early, expectant management of these cancers. This case study emphasises the value of thorough screening techniques used at an early stage to find these lesions and treat them appropriately.

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