
The threat posed by bigheaded carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) to novel ecosystems has focused efforts on preventing further range expansion; upstream progression in the Illinois River is a major concern due to its connection with the uninvaded Great Lakes. In addition to an electric barrier system, commercial harvest of silver carp (H. molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) in the upper river is intended to reduce propagule pressure and prevent range expansion. To quantify demographics and evaluate harvest efficacy, the upper river was sampled between 2012 and 2015 using mobile hydroacoustic methods. Reach-specific densities, size structures and species compositions varied interannually but the advancing population was characterized longitudinally as small-bodied, silver carp-dominated at the highest densities downstream, shifting to large-bodied, bighead carp-dominated at the low-density population front. The use of hydroacoustic sampling for harvest evaluation was validated in backwater lakes; there was a significant positive correlation between density estimates and the corresponding harvest catch-per-unit-effort of bigheaded carps. Localized densities of bigheaded carps were reduced by up to 64.4 % immediately post-harvest but generally rebounded within weeks. However, annual sampling of the entire upper river indicated that density of bigheaded carps decreased by over 40 % (between 2012 and 2013) and subsequently remained stable (between 2013 and 2014). The annual harvest of bigheaded carps increased during this period (from 45,192 to 102,453 individuals), in years of contrasting discharge conditions. At this spatiotemporal scale, harvest appears to have contributed to initial reduction, and subsequent maintenance of, bigheaded carps density levels, but discharge likely plays an important role (e.g., through immigration) in determining the extent of its impact. Mobile hydroacoustic sampling enabled robust quantification of the population over varying spatial scales and density gradients, highlighting the potential of this approach as an assessment tool for invasive fishes in riverine environments.

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