
A simplified and sometimes vulgar understanding of the role of scientometrics in the management of science makes it necessary to better understand its essential characteristics. In this paper, scientometrics is considered in interrelations with bibliometrics and informetrics that are the fields of knowledge closest to it. In relation to the three mentioned “metrics”, this part discusses the representation of their methods. Consideration of the methodological “arsenal” of the three “metrics” made us possible to come to the conclusion that there are no such specific methods in any of them, the presence of which would be a distinctive feature of exactly and exclusively this “metrics”. The opinion is expressed that the high prevalenceof some methodological component in any of the “metrics”, the use of general scientific methods in them and the use of econometrics and sociometrics techniques in scientometric research cannot be treated as distinguishing features of this or that “metrics”, as the principle of delimitation of one “metrics” from another. As it follows from the very term “metrics”, the methods of bibliometrics, scientometrics and informetrics are methods of quantitative research. The emergence of new “metrics” methods was characteristic of the entire twentieth century, and, of course, there is no reason to believe that the list of these methods known today is final, complete.

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