
<p>諮商心理理論與實務在企業中實踐員工諮商與心理健康。本研究旨在回顧台灣地區企業員工諮商與心理健康文獻,有助於了解台灣企業員工諮商與心理健康研究的發展背景。本研究採用文獻回顧分析了解台灣地區有關企業員工諮商與心理健康迄今的研究成果,探討重要研究變項。研究資料來源為「台灣期刊論文索引系統」、「華藝資料庫」,以企業諮商、員工協助方案、職場心理健康等關鍵字進行資料搜尋,迄2022年4月止,符合本研究目的的論文共51筆。研究結果顯示:(一) 研究類別依序為諮商輔導與教育心理類 (73%)、管理與勞工安全類 (20%)、醫療與健康類(8%)。(二) 研究方法依序為文獻回顧(35%)、實務應用 (27%)、質性 (22%)、量化 (12%)、質量混合 (4%),研究內容包含企業員工諮商對員工工作效率影響、職場心理健康等。(三) 論文發表以2016-2021年期間發表量占總論文數量之42%為最高。(四) 51篇論文中僅有8篇量化研究,且多著重在壓力來源的探討與員工諮商使用意願調查,未將員工諮商與員工請假或生產力變化做連結;13篇質性研究中有5篇均提及企業諮商師的倫理觀點由單一案主轉移至雙重案主,最大的挑戰在於如何兼顧個案守密倫理原則與提供企業主諮商效益的數據化分析。(五) 在台灣,企業員工諮商與心理健康實證研究多以質性訪談為主,較少量化分析,且分析結果多與員工主觀滿意感受相關,未與員工請假時數或生產力等客觀數字作關聯分析。本研究除了將51筆企業員工諮商與心理健康文獻做描述性統計之分析外,同時整理了其中8篇量化研究(包含2篇質量混合研究)之量化研究方法及研究結果提供未來研究之參考。</p> <p> </p><p>Applying the theories and methods of counseling psychology in an enterprise is the core of workplace counseling and mental health. Reviewing related research on workplace counseling and mental health can facilitate understanding the development of workplace counseling and mental health research in Taiwan. This study adopted the literature review to understand the research results of workplace counseling and mental health in Taiwan. The key words of workplace counseling, employee assistance programs, and workplace mental health were used to conduct the search in the " Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System" and "Airiti Library". Up until April 2022, there were 51 papers that matched the purpose of the study and were thus selected and analyzed. The results indicated that: (1) The research categories are counseling and education (73%), management and labor safety (20%), medical care and health (8%). (2) The research methods are literature review (35%), practical application (27%), qualitative research (22%), quantitative research (12%), and mixed methods research (4%). The contents of workplace counseling involved employee work efficiency, mental health, etc. (3) The papers on workplace counseling and mental health with the period of 2016 to 2021 accounting for 42% of all 51 papers. (4) Among the 51 papers, there are only 8 quantitative studies, and most of them focus on the discussion of the source of stress and the survey of employees’ willingness to use counseling. They do not link employee counseling with employees’ leave or productivity changes, 5 of the 13 qualitative studies mentioned that the ethical viewpoint of business counselors has shifted from a single client to dual client. The biggest challenge for workplace counselors were how to balance the ethical principles of client confidentiality and the benefits of counseling for business owners. (5) In Taiwan, most of the empirical researches on workplace counseling and mental health were based more on qualitative interviews than on quantitative analysis, the analysis results were based on personal feelings of employees’ satisfaction, and no analysis was conducted concerning objective factors such as employee absent hours or productivity. In addition to the descriptive statistical analysis of 51 corporate consultation documents, this study also sorted out the quantitative research methods and research results of 8 quantitative studies (including 2 qualitative mixed studies) to provide reference for future research. According to these findings, detailed results and suggestions for further research were discussed.</p> <p> </p>

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