
REVEREND PHILOTHEUS BOEHNER, O. F. M. 1901— 1955 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FR. PHILOTHEUS BOEHNER, O. F. M. When a prolific and versatile author does not keep track of his own writings, it is rather difficult for somebody else to establish a complete record of these publications. Fr. Philotheus did not have a list of his writings, nor did he possess a copy of everything he had published. We have tried to gather an exhaustive bibliography of his, but we fear, especially for the writings listed under rubrics III and IV, that our efforts did not fully succeed. Statistically speaking, it appears, from our list, that Fr. Philotheus has written mainly in German and in English, occasionnally in French ; he has done translations from the French into German, and from the Latin into German and English. A number of his publications were editions of Latin medieval texts. Minor articles of his have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Bosnian, and Lithuanian. In Philosophy he spent most of his time and efforts on medieval Logic and History of Philosophy, his preferred author being William Ockham, whereas in Biology, especially thermonasty and bryology caught his attention. A bare list of writings obviously does not tell the entire story of the, literary career of an author. In the case of Fr. Philotheus, for instance, one ought to add that the Franciscan Institute, in the short years of its existence, has published 48 volumes (cf. Appendix; 40 volumes were published before the death of Fr. Philotheus), in addition to the fifteen volumes of Franciscan Studies and the five volumes of The Cord. Fr. Philotheus was the driving power behind all these publications. He started Franciscan Institute Publications and The Cord. He reorganized Fransciscan Studies. He was not the first to think of publishing a collection of Works of St. Bonaventure in English ; nevertheless, he started the series. And he began the forthcoming edition of Opera omnia theologica and philosophica of Ockham, for which series he did a tremendous amount ofwork. Besides, to picture the literary career of Fr. Philotheus, one ought to evaluate his contribution to a better understanding of reality. Posterity has to do that. 23 Franoucan Studies32 1 322E. M. BUYTAERT Abbreviations used: FcS: Franciscan Studies; FIP: Franciscan Institute Publications; FS: Franziskus-Stimmen, Werl; FzS: Franziskanische Studien; KK: Kirche und Kanzel, Paderborn; SLS: Spirit and Life Series, Franciscan Institute ; SN : Sanctificatio Nostra, Kevelaer nowWerl; SS: Science Studies, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. I. BOOKS ?. VomAdeldesMenschengeistes(Diereligiöse Entscheidung 7),Warendorf1936. 2.Die Geschichte der christlichen Philosophie von ihren Anfängen bis Nikolaus von Cues (together with E. Gilson), Paderborn 1937; second edit. (Paderborn 1952—1954) 3^d third edit. (Paderborn 1954) under the title Christliche Philosophie von ihren Anfängen bis Nikolaus von Cues. 3.Guillelmi Ockham Quaestio prima principalis Prologi in Primum Librum Sententiarum cum interpretatione Gabrielis Biel (Textuum Guillelmi Ockham fase. 1), Paderborn 1939. When World War II broke out, the second fascicle was in press, but was destroyed as a consequence of the hostilities. 4.The Tractatus de successivis Attributed to William Ockham (FIP Philosophy Series 1), St. Bonaventure, N. Y. 1944. 5.The Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei et de futuris contingentibus of William Ockham (FIP Philosophy Series 2), St. Bonaventure, N. Y. 1945· 6.Walter Burleigh, De puritate artis logicae [Tractatus brevior] (FIP Text Series 1), St. Bonaventure, N. Y. 1951. 7.William Ockham, Summa Logicae, vol. I Pars Prima, vol. II Pars Secunda et Tertiae prima (FIP Text Series 2), St. Bonaventure, N.Y. 1951 and 1954. 8.Medieval Logic. An Outline of Its Development from 1250 to c. 1400, Manchester and Chicago 1952. 9.Examination of Conscience According to St. Bonaventure (SLS 3), St. Bonaventure , N. Y. 1953; second edit, in press. 10.Walter Burleigh, De puritate artis logicae tractatus longior With a Revised Edition of the Tractatus brevior (FIP Text Series 9), St. Bonaventure, N. Y. 1955· 11.The Life, Writings, and Teachings of William Ockham, Edinburgh, in press. 12.William Ockham, Tractatus logicae medior (FIP Text Series 11), St. Bonaventure , N. Y., in press. 13.Stefan Gilson, Der heilige Bonaventura (transi, from the French), Hellerau [1929J. 14.Stefan Gilson, Der heilige Augustin. Eine Einführung...

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