
A BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER OF THE FRANCISCAN INSTITUTE FOUNDERS BOEHNER Fr. Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M., 1901-1955 (b. February 17, d. May 22). Professed 1921; ordained 1927. Educated at Dorsten and Paderborn; Munich and Münster (Doctorate in Biology). His dissertation was entitled "Über die thermonastischen Blütbewegegungen bei der Tulpe," published in Zeitschrift der Botanik 26 (1933): 65-107. His many publications included three translations into German of works by Etienne Gilson: Der heilige Bonaventura, Der heilige Augustinus, eine Einführung in seine Lehre, and Die Mystik des heiligen Bernhard von Clairvaux; also, Christliche Philosophie, von ihrem Anfängen bis Nikolaus von Cues (with Etienne Gilson); The Tractatus de successivis Attributed to William of Ockham; The Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei et De futuris contingentibus of William Ockham; William Ockham, Summa logicae; Medieval Logic, An Outline of its Development from 1250 to c.1400. He also published numerous articles in such scholarly journals as Franziskanische Studien, Wissenschaft und Weisheit, Archiv für Philosophie, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, Traditio, Review of Metaphysics, Franciscan Studies, Rivista di filosofía neo-scolastica, and in Encyclopaedia Britannica. After ordination to the priesthood, he taught philosophy for six years at Dorsten, and during this time frequented centers of learning at Quaracchi, Rome and Paris, acquiring a thorough knowledge of current research on Franciscan philosophical and theological texts. In 1939, at the invitation of Etienne Gilson, he lectured in paleography at the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto. In 1939 he began lecturing on medieval philosophy at St. Bonaventure College where he reorganized some summer courses in Franciscan philosophy into 154BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER a complete program of Franciscan studies and undertook to edit the works of William of Ockham. In 1941, with Thomas Plassmann, he reorganized the Franciscan Studies from a series of annual monographs into a quarterly journal. In 1942 these projects were given a corporate name and an organization, The Franciscan Institute, of which Boehner was named the first director in 1946. In 1950-51, with Sister Mary Francis Laughlin, S.M.I.C., he began the publication of The Cord. As professor at St. Bonaventure College, he delivered courses in logic, epistemology and psychology; the philosophies of Augustine, Bonaventure and the Franciscan school; as well as special courses in botany. Boehner's learning was the foundation of the Institute, and he deserves therefore recognition as its founder. FAUST Fr. Mathias Faust, O.F.M., 1879-1956 (b. Dec. 30, d. July 27). Professed 1897; ordained 1906. Educated with the Franciscans in Paterson NJ, Croghan NY, and at Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. He served two terms as minister provincial of Holy Name Province, from 1919 to 1925 and from 1931 to 1937. From 1937 to 1942 he was custos of the province. From 1942 to 1946 he served as delegate general for North and Central America and the adjacent islands, from 1946 to 1951 as procurator general, and from 1952 to 1956 as delegate general for commissariats in the U.S. It was the authority of Faust that made the existence of the Institute possible and gave it international status. In 1942, as delegate general for North America, he officially recognized the Institute. In the ensuing years he provided its library. In 1946, he appointed Boehner its director. In 1948 he saw that it became a Studium generale of the Friars Minor. As planner, promotor , and patron, Faust deserves the title of founder. BIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER155 PLASSMANN Fr. Thomas Plassmann, O.F.M., 1879-1959 (b. March 19, d. February 13). Professed 1899; ordained 1906. Educated at Quincy College, Quincy, IL (BA, MA, 1898), Collegio S. Apollinaris, Rome (STD, 1909) and the Catholic University of America (PhD, 1913), with a thesis entitled: The Signification of Beraka. He did further studies in the Holy Land, at Louvain, and at the University of Bonn. He received three honorary degrees (LLD): St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY, June 3, 1939; Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, May 12, 1940; and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, NY, June 3, 1945. The Franciscan Order conferred the title Lector Generalis of Sacred Scripture, November 8, 1931, and Lector Jubilatus in 1953. In 1919 Plassmann founded...

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