
The verb link is an important modern Ukrainian language component in the nominative means system. In modern linguistics, more and more attention is paid to the features verb tokens as sentence-forming units study, because the verb semantic structure in general projects the whole sentence organization. Verbs grammatical categories differently characterize the actions, processes and being in states course. In traditional grammar, the form was defined mainly as a basic morphological or general verb grammatical category, because it is inherent in all verb formations and forms: in a certain context, each form expresses the either imperfect or perfect form meaning. Type is a verb grammatical category that acts as a central to a more general verb category – aspectuality. The action aspect is directly related to the verb semantics, the meanings of which are determined by the whole language grammatical structure and the semantic-paradigmatic lexical connections system. The determining the place difficulty of the action aspect (broader actionality) in the verb categories system is explained by the fact that they intersect lexical, word-forming and grammatical features, between which it is not always possible to draw a clear line. The most common is the action interpretation as a semantic category, because the action genres are not word-forming categories, although some of them are characterized by certain morphemes. The Ukrainian language uses a number of verbs in which the same base can simultaneously express the perfect and imperfect form meaning, which is why they are called two-type verbs or biaspectives. Issues related to the biaspectives study are extremely relevant and little studied. An attempt is made in the proposed exploration to shed light on the biaspectives semantic distribution by Ukrainian language.

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