
The issues of phraseological units and the definition of phraseology are reviewed in the article. Also the history of research of phraseology is shown and various classification are given. The Ukrainian language is rich in expressive means, which make it possible to create an image, to reproduce the landscape, historical times. It can also convey feelings, joy and sorrow, exalt a person, condemn and expose the negative features of it. Phraseological units are specific linguistic formulas, pictures of the world with coded information about the past, our ancestors, their way of perceiving the world and evaluating everything; they accumulate the cultural potencies of the people, only in his own way manifest the spirit and uniqueness of the mentality of the nation. Phraseological units absorbed historical events and social life, distinguish the smallest moves of our hearts, tell about the immense world of human feelings, affect the accuracy of associations between nature, ordinary life facts and human behavior, our emotions and actions. They are the treasury of poetic representations of the people. The beginning of Ukrainian phraseology dates back to the eighteenth century, when phraseological units (here in after - FO) began to be described in paremiological collections. From the beginning to the middle of the 50's of the XX century. FO were the subject of descriptions in lexicographic works. And only in the second half of the 50-60's of the XX century. special phraseological dictionaries began to appear. It should be noted that in most of them, especially those that the world saw in the 50-70-ies of the XX century, along with the FD, other stable perspectives (proverbs, sayings, winged sayings, etc.) are described. One of the most ancient works in which the phraseological structure of the Ukrainian language is most fully described is the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, edited by Boris D. Grinchenko (1907-1909). Famous researcher of phraseologisms is L. Bulakhovsky, G. Udovichenko, M. Demsky, L. Skrypnyk, D. Barannik, O. Kulchytsky and others. Depending on what sign divides phraseologisms into groups, they differ in their classification. Allocate semantic, genetic and functional classifications. Representatives of the semantic classification are L. Bulakhovsky, S. Balli, G. Udovichenko, L. Skrypnyk, V. Vinogradov, P. Dudyk. Genetics of phraseologisms were L. Bulakhovsky, F. Medvedev, Y. Sprinchak. Researchers of the phraseology phraseology are D. Barannik, S. Gavrin. It is expedient to offer phrases to study for foreigners who speak Ukrainian at a sufficient or high level. And it is not desirable to include them in the study at the initial stages. When the teacher pick up phraseologisms, he should be guided by the principle of their frektventnosti. Observance of this principle will allow the student to master the stratum of phraseology with which he may actually encounter in daily contacts, while not forcing him to memorize the unpopular or outdated phraseologisms, the use of which by an alien in the environment of Ukrainians can lead to his statement being perceived as anachronistic, and maybe funny. Key words : history, phraseology, phraseology, phraseological units, classification, foreign audience.

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